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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Technology is Wonderful & Free!

Well, we have finally gone in a complete circle. In the beginning, programmers worked out of their garages, hammering away at the keyboard. What they created was then rushed through the phonelines and uploaded to BBSs' everywhere. Once the file arrived at your favorite Bulletin Board System, it was downloaded by everyone, tested by the users, suggestions shot back and forth about improvements that would later be implemented and everyone was thrilled...
Thanks to open source, that atmosphere of creating and sharing is among us again in full force. Programmers around the world are busy creating great applications and submitting them to the world wide web for our use and enjoyment.
So, if you find yourself needing an app for one thing or another, such as keeping your football stats on a spreadsheet, a DVD database, or a picture editing program, you're sure to find a free program to fit your needs. I will even help you out with links to my favorite freebies...
Take that computer and start using it to its' full adavantage and don't spend tons of money doing it!!!